Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve and I'm still sick

So, today is December 24th.  I'm still sicker than a dog (I never have really understood that phrase, honestly, but I'll use it anyhow), STILL haven't finished all of my presents, and I'm just plain exhausted.
I do have a new blog to link to!  Check out attic24! ( ) Really awesome blogging mom with wonderful patterns.  I've been trying to figure out how to do what she calls "granny stripe" for a very long time, and I've stumbled upon her blog by wandering around   Both of these ladies have given me some wonderful ideas for the gifts I still need to make.  I'm excited!!!

Well, as excited as I can be when I'm hacking up crap, my throat is sore, and my eyes hurt.  That's not all that's going on, but that's all I feel like complaining about right now.  I'm going to bed.  It's 1:37AM EST on Christmas Eve.  I have a crapton to do and I need to get the sleep needed in order to do it (even if it's only a nap).

I hope your Yule was nice and your Christmas is wonderful and healthy.   I can't wait for SUNSHINE AND SPRING TIME!!!!!

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