Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well, I finally re-created my facebook fan page!  Go "like" it by clicking the widget at the bottom of this page.
I'm hoping that the fan page might help with business.  I can't pay the bills if I don't have customers!  I'm getting a little nervous, throwing myself out there again.
I do have some orders that I'm currently working on.   There are times when I get distracted and forget about a few of them, and I feel HORRIBLE about it.  But I'm "Mommy" to a two year old and "Wife" to a gamer...  Life gets a little hectic around here!  That's also why I didn't want to request payment upfront when taking orders.  However, I have come to the realization that I cannot buy the products needed for the order without payment first.  I will have to change how I do things.
Well, enjoy!  I'll definitely be posting on this blog more often!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I didn't post yesterday as I'd planned to (not feeling so great.... that's all I'm going to say).

So, Happy belated Thanksgiving!  Hope the food was delicious!
Also, Happy Black Friday!  Be kind to the employees and enjoy the sales.  Hope everyone gets some good deals!  I would offer up some deals, but, well, no one reads this blog and I'm already not charging for the work I do, just the materials.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've kind of neglected my blog since I started it.  I apologize.  Not that anyone's reading it yet, but still.  I needed to apologize.
Well, the holidays are approaching very quickly.  As in, ONE MONTH!!!!!!!  I'm pulling my hair out again this year because I am horribly late at finishing things--or even starting them.  I've been procrastinating so bad when it comes to the gifts FROM me.  Now, the things that have been ordered, well, that's an other story.  I've got most of them done. :)
But... yeah...  So, why am I on here.....?